Rach, Pacer and Me after the Fools 25K
Well it has been awhile since I raced.  In fact, that last "real" race I ran was the Wine Glass Marathon on Sunday, October 3, 2010.  It was going to be my first attempt at breaking the herald 3 hour mark for the 26.2 mile distance. I had run the Boston Marathon earlier in the year and started training with Kam Lee two weeks after I returned home to Hudson.  Kam constructed a very detailed run schedule that included running every day.  Two-three speed workouts per week, and some key races throughout the season.  It was by far the most intense amount of training that I have ever done.  Often times run two times a day to get in the miles.  Well, while the training went well, the key races that I participated did not.  I went out too fast in every race and paid the price the final 5K or so.  As we approached the marathon, my body was breaking down, but I was determined to give it all I had.  Two weeks prior to marathon day I was doing a Tuesday track workout when it happened. I popped my right hamstring.  I pulled up in lane two and hobbled over to the infield.  I let Kam know what happened and he suggested that I back off the rest of the time and just try to get healthy.  I was pretty dejected.  My training had gone pretty well and I wanted to see what I could do.  I traveled to Corning, NY with a lot of questions.  Would I finish?  How strong was my hamstring?  Could I run a smart race and average 6:52?  The beginning of the race was cold and rainy, but well attended.  Wineglass is a very fast track with a lot of gradual downhill running. For the first 16 miles I was right on 6:52 pace and feeling good.  Then at mile 20 things fell apart.  It started to heat up and I was running exposed to the sun.  I thought, just a 10K and you can break 3 hours.  You got this.  But it wasn't meant to be, I cramped and started some not so positive talk, and as I crossed the finish line I could hear the dreaded 3:10 group only a few hundred meters behind me.  I made the long drive back to Hudson thinking only if...only if I was healthy, only if it had stayed cloudy, only if I would have raced those key races earlier in the season that way I should have.  I was sad, but worse, I was hurt.  After a MRI, I learned I had tore my hamstring and that I needed to rest it.  I have rested it more or less for two and a half years.  I have done yoga, cycling, bootcamps.  I have seen orthopaedic surgeons, chiropractors, MD's, and DO's.  I have had manual manipulation, ultra sound, and graston.  I've done everything.  But something happened about a month ago.  I had just hurt my back in H.I.T. class and went to a chiropractor to get my back adjusted.  That night I went for a 5 mile run from Happy Days and my hamstring didn't bug me.  I thought at first it was because my back pain was so severe that it distracted me from my hamstring, but that wasn't it.  The next day I went for an easy run and I still felt good.  The following week, I showed up a the Vertical Runner in Hudson at 5:30 am to meet up with a group that runs there M,W, F each week.  I did that for two weeks in a row and I felt good! I saw Kam on a Saturday at the store and asked if he wanted to go for an easy run. During the run I told him that I thought I was healed and ready to start training again.  He gave me two workouts and asked that I do them for two weeks and get back to him.  The Fools 25K was between the two weeks.  So even though I hadn't been putting in high miles, I certainly am not in running shape.  So I was happy to finish the Fool's run with a big smile on my face AND pain free!  

Forget The PR 25K is on April 28th and I'm signed up! I'm hoping I can run a smart race and feel good throughout. We'll see.  Until then....happy trails, Steve

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    He's one of those who knows that life Is just a leap of faith. Spread your arms and hold your breath and always trust your cape


    April 2013

